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Your Privacy
Spurwatch UK follows the guidelines set out in 'Getting it right: implementing data protection in citizen science research' (available here) to ensure the way we collect and store data is GDPR compliant.
What does that mean for you?
When sending in a record, we take a data minimalisation approach. This means we only collect personal information that is essential e.g. a name and email address to follow up the record if more questions or suspected errors are noted. By submitting a record, you agree to be contacted for this reason. You will not be contacted for any other reason.
We will safely store this information for the duration of the project (3 years). If you would like to be removed from the database at any point you can be at any time. If your record is used for outreach or publication, you will be credited by name as a thank you. Spurwatch intends to publish its records after 3 years and will ensure anglers and divers who contribute are recognised for their efforts in any publication that uses them. Exact fishing spots and marks are never shared.
To read our full privacy and cookie policy please feel free to follow the links below:
Spurwatch Privacy Policy
Spurwatch Cookie Policy
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